
Take your bathroom to the next level with the tropical look

Imagine coming home from a long stressful day at work and all you want to do is escape to a spa somewhere in Bali to relax and forget about the world for a moment. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy and not something we can do every day, but how about feeling like you’re in a tropical retreat while you’re in your own home? There are plenty of ways to transform your bathroom into a tropical paradise to make you feel as relaxed as possible.

Pick a beautiful bathtub

A tropical bathroom without a bathtub is like a cupcake without icing. Who could say no to a warm bubble bath while sipping a glass of wine?

Tropical bathroom design

The bathtub should be the most important feature of your relaxation area, and luckily there is a huge variety to choose from:

  •  inset bathtubs are usually installed in the corner of the room and are often less expensive
  •  free standing baths don’t connect to any walls and are perfect if you have a spacious bathroom, as it can function as the statement of your room
  •  back-to-wall baths are installed flush to the wall
  • and island style bathtubs sit on a tiled “island”.

So what type of bath you’re choosing all depends on the size of your bathroom, the plumbing and your personal preferences. If your bathroom features a window, why not place the bathtub right in front of it, so you can enjoy the view while taking a bath?

If you don’t have enough space for a bathtub, it’s worth considering fitting your shower with an aroma shower head. An aromatherapy shower doesn’t only boost your mood and help you relax, it also promotes collagen growth!

The more plants, the better!

Incorporate some nature into your bathroom for the ultimate tropical feeling. They filter toxins, function as air cleaners and are great for your overall wellbeing. Bamboo or philodendrons are an excellent pick.

Choose matching fixtures and basins

Pick neutral colours for your bathroom fixtures for a natural look. Round timber or stone basins complete the look of a tropical oasis. If you want to add tiles, choose light colours like beige or white stone.

Don’t forget about the details…

Scented candles, essential oils or aroma diffusers help create a relaxing atmosphere. You can also install waterproof speakers in the corners of the bathroom, so you can listen to your favourite playlist while unwinding.

Complete the tropical look with natural décor just as seashells, colourful stones or fresh flowers and voila – welcome to your private little getaway!