13 September 2021
Genius tips to manage spring allergies in your home
Spring is such a beautiful time of year in Brisbane and South East Queensland, the days warm up and get longer giving us more opportunities to get outside & enjoy our lovely region.
Unfortunately, the spring season is not such a great time for all residents of the area. The stunning weather, warm breezes, and flowering blooms also bring an influx of pollen and other allergens into our homes, which can spark off issues like hay fever (allergic rhinitis), asthma, and other seasonal allergies.

Some of the common allergens associated with this time of year in SEQ include:
- Mould
- Pet dander
- Pollen
- Dust mites
- Grass seed
It’s important to note that the pollen which is helping to trigger the allergies in your home may not be local, it could have travelled extensive distances on the wind from its original source. Avoiding seasonal allergies may not be as easy as trimming back the wattle bush at the end of the garden or keeping the grass cut short. Highly allergenic pollen from weeds such as ragweed and parthenium can come from many kilometres away.

Other plants that could be causing issues this time of year in Queensland (Sept, Oct, Nov) can include:
- Australian Pine / She Oak
- Bahia grass
- Bermuda / Couch grass
- Bottlebrush
- Canary grass
- Cocksfoot / Orchard grass
- Johnson grass
- Kentucky Blue / June grass
- London Plane tree
- Mango tree
- Paper-bark Tea Tree
- Plantain
- Ryegrass
- Wild Oat
- Yorkshire Fog / Velvet grass

Genius tips to best manage allergies around your home
We don’t need to be at the mercy of the daily pollen count, there are many actions you can take to reduce the effects of airborne allergens in and around your home.
- Stay indoors as much as practical, especially during high pollen count periods.
- Avoid activities such as gardening, mowing the grass, blowing leaves, or sweeping outdoors where possible.
- Clean hard surfaces regularly – don’t let dust build up around the home.
- Opt for machine washable fibre-fill doonas and pillows rather than feather or down alternatives.
- Use the dryer for bed linen, towels, and clothes during high pollen count days rather than putting the washing on the line where it can accumulate allergens and bring them into the home.
- Clean aircon filters regularly and have the air conditioner professionally cleaned before and after summer.
- Choose flooring and furnishings that are easy to clean to prevent dust and dust mites from accumulating.
- Wash pets more often in the spring and summer to remove excess dander. Give them a wipe over after they’ve been outside or for a walk to remove accumulated dust or pollen.
- Have a shower, or wash your face and hands, and change your clothes after you’ve been outside.
- Keep humidity levels low inside your home to reduce mould.

How to remove pollen & allergens from your home with Daikin advanced air filtration systems
Daikin air purifiers & air conditioners offer enhanced protection for those with allergies or respiratory issues. The Daikin brand carries the blue butterfly symbol which indicates that its product range is approved by the National Asthma Council Australia’s Sensitive Choice program. These products are custom designed to reduce the presence of airborne allergens in your home.
The range of Daikin split system air conditioners offers:
- Advanced Titanium Air Purifying filters (select models) that trap microscopic airborne particles and assist to decompose odours and absorb and deactivate bacteria and viruses.
- Dry Function rids the room of humidity helping to keep a constant temperature and reduce humidity levels to prohibit mould growth throughout the home.
- Flash Streamer technology is used to decompose bacteria and mould spores caught on the air conditioner filter using ionisation through advanced plasma electric discharge.
Daikin air purifiers offer:
- A comprehensive 6-layer filtration system that eliminates airborne particles, such as pollen, dust and bacteria inside your home.
- Super quiet operation – making them ideal for use in sleeping areas offering protection 24/7.
- Steamer Discharge technology – helps to eradicate bacteria, mould, viruses, pollen, etc. The steamer’s plasma discharge activates oxygen and nitrogen molecules which help decompose bacteria.
- Dust and odour level indicators provide ongoing monitoring of allergens in the room.

Want to ensure your home has clean, fresh air all year round? Speak to Fallon Solutions air conditioning specialists about installing a Daikin air conditioning system today.
Find out more about managing asthma and allergies speak to your healthcare professional and check out the tips on the Asthma Australia website – asthma.org.au
You can keep a close eye on the daily pollen index in South East Queensland via:
- weatherzone.com.au
- meteoblue.com
Plus, Auspollen provides monitoring of pollen levels between Nov and March each year: auspollen.edu.au/brisbane/
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