Do I need a plumber or electrician for hot water repairs?

Who to call for a hot water system repair?

Has your hot water system stopped working properly? Hot water systems involve both plumbing and electrical work, so you may be wondering whether you need to call a plumber or an electrician to fix the system. This article will provide you with helpful information regarding hot water system repairs.

Electric Hot Water System Repair

What you should check first

It is important to check the circuit breaker and pressure relief valve first. If your circuit breaker has tripped, check whether you can turn it back on before calling a professional. Test your pressure relief valve to see if you can make water pass through the overflow pipe. If no water flows through, your water tank may just need to be filled up. If you continue to have problems with your thermostat or circuit breaker, contact a qualified person for assistance.

What will an electrician fix?

Electricians will deal with all of the electrical components of the system. If your circuit breaker will not stay on, then an electrician is responsible for fixing this. Also if your water is only slightly warm, the thermostat or off-peak switch in your electric hot water system may be the cause of this and will need to be fixed by an electrician. For solar hot water systems, the booster can also sometimes be the cause of temperature issues.

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When will you need to call a plumber?

If you notice a leak or signs of leakage like mould or damp patches, a plumber will be required to fix this problem. Whilst also being capable of causing extensive water damage, leaks can reduce the amount of water flowing through a hot water system, which will impact the output temperature of the water and the water pressure. A damaged pressure valve is also another common cause of a lack of water pressure in a hot water system and must be fixed by a plumber. When your hot water system is expelling discoloured water, it is a sign that the water tank is rusted, and may need to be replaced.

If you are experiencing an issue with low water temperature from your hot water system, the tempering valve may be the cause of this. In gas hot water systems, low temperatures can be the result of a broken gas heater, which will require a gas fitter to repair.

Professional electrical & plumbing services

For any plumbing or electrical problems with your hot water system, get in touch with Fallon Solutions. Our team of hot water specialists have experience with completing effective repairs on a wide range of electrical plumbing systems, as well as a number of gas, solar and heat pump systems. For a hot water service you can trust, call us today on 1300 762 260 or complete our hot water repair booking form.