
2012 Will Be The Hottest Summer in 3 Years

The summer of 2012 – 2013 is set to be a scorcher with higher than average temperatures and below-average rainfall for much of Queensland.

Increased chances of tropical cyclones, bush fires and heat waves also accompany the Australian forecast for the next six months. Senior Meteorologist from the Weather Channel predicts a much warmer season than the last two years as a result of the return to El Nino conditions due to variations in the water temperature across the Pacific and Indian oceans.

18 to 22 days with severe thunderstorms are anticipated for the Brisbane area. Brisbane is the 3rd wettest state capital city and receives the most severe thunderstorms per year.

So what does a hot summer mean for Brisbane residents?

Be prepared.

  • Organize your air conditioner service now.
  • Ensure your roof is clear of leaves and debris so your water tanks can collect the maximum water when it does rain.
  • Trim old or overhanging foliage from over your roof.
  • If you are considering installing air conditioning or ceiling fans arrange a consultation now before the heat is here and the rush is on.
  • Clean your air conditioner filters enabling it to run at its most efficient.
  • Consider upgrading to a more energy-saving air conditioning system. Cooling your home is going to be one of the largest contributors to your power bill this summer.

How can Fallon Solutions help?

Contact Fallon Solutions for air conditioner repairs or installation on 1300 762 260 or complete our air conditioning enquiry form and one of our team will call to arrange a visit.