15 September 2022
6 tactics to get the most power from your solar system
Smart strategies to ensure you are getting the most power from your solar system
A lot of people think that once they install a solar power system, they’re done. Unfortunately, this is a myth. If you set and forget your solar system, you could be missing out on a lot of free power.
So how do you make sure you’re getting the most solar power from your system? Maximising the benefits of your solar investment is important, but it can be confusing to know how to achieve it. The following strategies can help you make sure that your solar panels are working at peak efficiency and that you’re not losing any of the valuable electricity they produce.

Yearly solar panel cleaning
Most panels that are mounted at an angle do a good job of self-cleaning in the occasional rain shower. If you live in an area with a lot of dust, road debris, construction, or smog it can be a good idea to give your panels a yearly wash. (Less often for homes away from airborne debris – every 2 years.)
Safely accessing the solar panels on your roof is best left to the experts. Your local solar panel cleaning specialist will have all the products and equipment to ensure the panels are protected and the job is carried out carefully and efficiently.
Regularly check the solar inverter for faults
The solar inverter is the key component in any solar photovoltaic system. It converts the direct current (DC) electricity produced by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be used by your home or business.
Most inverters have a built-in diagnostic system that will show you if there are any problems with the inverter. or sometimes the system as a whole. It’s important to check the solar inverter regularly and fix any problems that are found, as they can quickly reduce the output of your solar PV system.

Utilise daylight hours to use as much of your household power as possible
Maximise solar power self-consumption by using as much of your household electricity during the day as possible. This reduces the amount of costly electricity that you need to buy from the grid. This can include using:
- pool filters
- washing machine
- dishwasher
- dryer
- device charging
- electric hot water systems
- air conditioning
- electric heating
Some appliances like the dishwasher and washing machine have timers or start delay functions which can be utilised to activate when the panels are generating the most power. The best times of day for solar power generation depend on the direction your solar panels face:
- North facing – over the middle of the day
- West facing – afternoon
- East facing – morning
Regularly check for panel shading
Shading from trees, buildings or other objects can have a big impact on the amount of power your solar panels can produce. Even a small amount of shading can reduce the output of a panel by up to 30%.
If you think your panels might be getting more shade than when they were installed, the best thing to do is get a professional solar assessment. Your solar electrician will be able to let you know if shading is reducing the efficiency of the system and the possible solutions for the issue.
If trees or bushes are shading your panels, it’s important to trim them back regularly. Even a few extra minutes of sun each day can make a big difference in the amount of power your system produces.
Monitor productivity
Keeping an eye on your solar system’s power generation each day/week/month ensures you can act quickly if there is a significant drop in production (which isn’t attributed to other factors like overcast days or panel shading). Speak to your solar installer about how to track the efficiency of your system, which can often it can be done via an external digital display or phone app.

Professional solar performance & safety inspection
While the solar power generation statistics will give you an indication of how much the system is producing they won’t provide information on why it might not be working at peak efficiency or if it could actually be generating more.
A professional solar performance & safety inspection, carried out once a year by a solar specialist, will give you a clear idea of where any issues might be developing that could be affecting the amount of electricity the solar power system can generate.
These expert inspections are a smart investment if you want to fully reap the benefits of your solar power system.
Making the switch to solar can be a big decision, but it’s one that will pay off in the long run. Not only is solar a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, but it’s also a great way to save money on your energy bills.
We hope our guide has given you some helpful tips to ensure you are getting the most from your solar system every day of the year.

References – https://www.solar.vic.gov.au/how-get-most-out-solar
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