
Cut down your electricity bill this winter – be energy efficient

With winter fast approaching, and the price of electricity still on the rise, it’s more important than ever to ensure your home is energy efficient. This guide offers tips on how you can use energy smartly in your home, helping lower both bills and emissions.

To achieve maximum savings potential, pay attention to those appliances utilising more electricity: heating system, hot water system, fridge-freezer, dishwasher, washing machine and tumble dryer play a factor. Learn about operating these essential household appliances as efficiently as possible for an eco-friendly home that’s also wallet friendly.

With approximately 70 electrical appliances in the average QLD household, taking the time to learn energy-saving tips and being aware of your energy usage can lead to significant savings on your monthly bills.

Electrical appliances

Being more savvy with your appliances and eliminating some of the ‘phantom energy’ usage in your home will see your electricity bills drop. Phantom energy is the power that appliances use whilst being switched off but still plugged into the powerpoint and is believed to account for up to 10% of our electricity bills!

To stop this expensive electricity wastage, follow these tips:

  • Instead of leaving appliances on standby, switch them off at the powerpoint
  • When you go out, to bed or on holiday, turn off your appliances
  • Switch off computers, wifi routers and printers overnight and for holidays
  • Utilise energy-saving features on your appliance to switch off after a time of idleness


Lighting accounts for about 8% of your electricity costs and by switching to energy efficient lights, could save up to 80% off your lighting costs. This is because LED bulbs use less power and last 5 to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs. That means you spend less money on usage as well as not having to replace them as frequently. Installing timers and motion sensors are a great way to limit the use of lighting where, and when, it is not required.

Doors, windows and curtains

  • Keep heat in the rooms where you spend most of your time by closing doors to rooms you’re not using
  • Have blinds and curtains that properly fit your windows
  • Block draughts around doors and windows that allow warm air to escape

Washing and drying clothes

  • Only run your washing machine when you have a full load
  • Change the wash temperature to cold
  • If possible, dry your clothes outside, as dryers consume lots of energy

Heating and cooling

When you’re looking to take control of your energy costs, upgrading your home heating and cooling systems with cleaner technologies is an excellent option. You’ll benefit from reduced expenses, improved efficiency, and help save the planet too. On average, heating/cooling and hot water account for 40% of electricity consumption in Queensland homes. By simply setting your thermostat temperature just 1 degree lower, you can save 2% on your heating bill and each degree above 20 adds up to 10%!

  • Programme your heating and cooling on the thermostat to suit your needs
  • Turn the heating and cooling off in rooms that are not in use
  • Heating systems with better energy efficiency will save you money
  • Using a reverse cycle air conditioning system for heating is cheaper than gas heaters

Get a better energy deal

One of the easiest ways to reduce energy costs is to compare energy offers. To compare electricity deals in QLD, use the Energy Made Easy site to choose your electricity retailer. You can also contact your existing electricity retailer and ask if you’re on the best deal and if not, ask them for a better one.

Hot water systems

Using solar energy to generate your electricity will reduce your energy bills exponentially. Switching your hot water system from conventional gas or electric water heaters to a solar hot water system saves on average 50% – 80% on your water heating bills.

To ensure your hot water system is operating efficiently and not wasting energy, Fallon Solutions is offering a special $99 hot water system check. Our experienced technicians will assess the system’s performance and provide any necessary maintenance to help you save money in the long run. Contact us today to book your appointment.


Energy made easy