
Don’t be drought complacent

We live on one of the driest continents in the world but unfortunately, a few years of good rainfall has left many complacent about the way we use our precious water. Meteorologists are predicting a long hot, dry summer this year, not unlike the drought conditions we experienced only a few years ago.

If you live in one of the many homes in Australia that still has a single flush toilet, an ageing shower head or a leaking garden hose it’s time to get water-efficient.

What can you do to prepare for a drought?

The Master Plumbers Association Queensland suggests undertaking a Water Audit in your home or business to prepare for the coming dry season. This involves checking and servicing already installed water-saving devices such as dual flush toilets, taps and greywater units. Reviewing and identifying any systems which could be upgraded to a water-saving option is also an important step in the water audit.

Your master plumber can advise you on the best products to reduce water in your situation. This advice could help save lots on the water rates for your property. Most homes and businesses have area’s which can be converted to more water-efficient products or methods.

Pools, water tanks and sprinkler systems all need regular servicing to ensure water is not being wasted. Components to these outdoor systems can corrode or deteriorate in the elements allowing water to escape where it shouldn’t.

If you are building a new home or renovating an existing one you have a great opportunity to get it right from the beginning. Installing water-efficient devices is not only required it can save money in the long term.

Getting proactive now could save us a summer of extreme water restrictions like those of years not so long ago. Let’s learn from the past and take the opportunity to avoid another water crisis.

How Can We Help?

Fallon Services Master Plumbers can carry out a Water Audit on your home or business. Call today on 1300 762 260 or complete our Plumbing Enquiry form and one of our team will contact you for an appointment.