Electricity Sub Meter Legislation

When and Why did the legislation start?

Mandatory legislationcame into effect on 1 January 2010 , for all new multi-unit residential (class 2) and office (class 5) buildings to install an electricity sub-meter for each individual unit in a multi-residential building or each storey in an office building (where individual net lettable areas have not been identified at the time of the building development approval). Previously, costs may have been shared based on floor area or another mechanism.

What is an electricity sub-meter?

An electricity sub-meter measures and records the electricity usage for each individual unit or storey in a building rather than having a single meter which measures usage for the whole building.

This means if you live in a unit or complex with for example 6 units, you can accurately calculate the electricty used from each unit. This means also that you will only pay the actual electricity that you use. This is good news for people that are conscious of there electricity consumption.

Why has electricity submetering been implemented?

This initiative is part of the Cleaner greener buildings’ election commitment announced on 2 March 2009. It also supports the Queensland Government Towards Q2 green target, which aims to cut Queensland’s carbon footprint by a third by 2020 through reduced car and electricity use.

If you require assistance regarding the installation of a sub meter to your property- we can carry out a building inspection and provide you with more information on prices and what is involved- Give us a call at Fallon Service Brisbane. We are only too happy to help!