
Extreme energy use due to air conditioners

Extreme energy use reported – South East Queensland has recorded extreme levels of electricity use in the past weeks; this is believed to be due to the above-average usage of air conditioners in our recent high temperatures. Air conditioners alone, are most likely to have led to the increase in peak demand; with an average of 40 – 50% of the residential network peak in Australia being attributed largely to air conditioning use. However, our traditionally hottest periods of the season are still to come!

QLD to become the center for air conditioning

The average household in South East Queensland holds two air conditioning units; that’s 1.75 million air conditioners. Furthermore, forecasters predict that over one million additional air conditioners will be installed in Queensland homes over the next five to six years and that by 2017 there will be 2.4 million air conditioners in South East Queensland residential properties alone.

It’s paramount to have a regular air conditioner service, Brisbane

To help reduce the energy usage of your air conditioner, manufacturers recommend a regular air conditioning service. An air conditioner service is quick and efficient and includes:

  • cleaning the filters,
  • checking gas levels,
  • checking both the heating and cooling functions are working correctly,
  • checking the airflow,
  • checking that all functions of the unit are operational,
  • checking the electrical connections,
  • checking the outdoor units are in good working order and that the fan is operational.

Regular air conditioning maintenance will not only ensure your unit is working well but will help it to perform better and be more energy-efficient.

How else can you reduce your air conditioner energy usage?

There are some simple measures households can undertake to help minimise their electricity use:

  • when using an air conditioner, make sure it’s set to the most energy-efficient temperature of 24 degrees celsius,
  • turn off all other appliances and electricity that’s not in use,
  • close window, doors and blinds to keep the hot air out,
  • close off the doors to any rooms not being used,
  • avoid using the oven when the air conditioner’s on, the additional heat will require the air conditioner to work harder,
  • keep up to date with regular air conditioning maintenance, cleaning out the filters can improve efficiency by up to 10%,
  • when buying a new air conditioner, consider a PeakSmart option.

Fallon Services Air Conditioning can keep your air conditioner running as efficiently as possible to reduce your power usage.

Contact us today on 1300 762 260 or book a service online.