Faulty solar components causing preventable house fires

Faulty DC isolators, malfunctioning solar inverters and unsecured wiring connectors are to blame for 201 house fires across Queensland in the past 5 years. Over 38% of these fires are thought to involve recalled DC isolators.

The recall for these faulty isolators goes back to January 2012 and still many Queensland homes remain unchecked for the potentially deadly solar PV components.

The deficient DC isolator switches present a hazard due to a defect allowing water to access components, increasing the likelihood of overheating and fire.

What can you do?

Please note any work other than turning off the solar PV system following the manufacturer’s instructions must be carried out by a licenced electrician with solar PV knowledge.

Check your solar PV system for these brands of DC isolators. The isolator switch should be positioned near the solar inverter or close to the solar panels on your roof.

  •  GEN3
  •  SPM
  •  PVPower
  •  NHP
  •  ISOMax

If you discover or even suspect that your home has one of these products fitted, turn your solar PV system off following the manufacturer’s directions and call a licenced electrician who specialises in solar power or your solar installer to replace the defective DC isolator switch.

Fallon Solutions master electricians stress that regular maintenance checks on every solar power system are essential to uncover faults before they become dangerous hazards. Over time system age and weathering can degrade solar components which are constantly exposed to the harsh Queensland elements. Enlisting a solar specialist who’s up to date with the latest in industry information to carry out yearly solar electrical safety checks could prevent your home becoming a fire statistic.

For more information on the recall of the listed DC isolator switches as well as images to readily identify these products, read our recent Handy Hints blog post on the topic – Does your home still have a faulty solar PV isolator switch? or visit recalls.gov.au .

Need help with your solar power system? Contact Fallon Solutions electrical team on 1300 762 260 or complete our service request form today.