
How safe are your solar panels?

When the federal rebate schemes were introduced back in 2011, the solar panel industry boomed. But according to the Clean Energy Council, the quality of solar system installations declined when the rebates ended. Households that had their solar system installed during that time may be experiencing issues with their photovoltaic system due to poor workmanship.

Common solar system defects

Some installations weren’t done to the required standards or undertaken by non-electrical tradesmen. The most common defects found by an Ausgrid report were incorrect wiring and circuit breakers, incorrect and missing labels and water ingress (water getting into the system).

Avoid the risk by watching out for the following warning signs:

The 5 signs of trouble

  1. Fault lights on your inverter
  2. Cables dangling
  3. White parts of the solar panels yellowing/discoloured
  4. Cables lying across your roof
  5. North-facing mounted inverters

If you see any of these signs or are unsure of the condition of your solar panels, it is best to have an electrician experienced in solar inspect your solar PV system.

Find out more about what you need to know about solar power companies and for more handy solar system tips.