5 September 2017
Is It Illegal For Me To Do My Own Electrical Work?
Have you laid back, stared up at your ceiling fan and wondered how it cools the room? Well, if you have, then here is your answer.
The simple ceiling fan does not actually cool the air itself. That should be pretty obvious from its design, the fan is essentially an electric motor and four blades. In fact, the electric motor would make the room warmer rather than cooler.

All the ceiling fan does is improve air circulation, which can have either a heating effect or a cooling effect depending on the direction of rotation and the angulations of the blades. Unless, of course, the fan is set to rotate for winter conditions. If the fan rotates pushing air down, then it moves the warm air down, making the room hotter. If the fan rotates pulling air up, then it moves the warm air up and forces cool air to circulate, making the room cooler. Most fans come with a reverse rotation setting.
Therefore, it is important to have the fan rotating in the right direction depending on the time of the year. Ceiling fans are the cheapest way of cooling during the hot summer months, they are especially good for dry heat, while an air conditioner is better for wet heat.
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