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Handy Hints Blog

Use your aircon to heat your home to save

Air conditioning and the Coronavirus – Everything You Need To Know

The spread of Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is making waves all over the globe, with hundreds ...
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Mitsubishi Electric 2020 Winter Gift Card Campaign Kicks Off

The Mitsubishi Electric 2020 Winter Gift Card Campaign kicks off on 1 April 2020 with an a...
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How to ensure you don’t get caught out at home

South-East Queenslanders are facing the realisation of being housebound for up to 6 months...
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Why you can’t go wrong with an AirClean filter for your ducted air conditioner

There’s nothing we care more about than the well-being of our dearest. And one thing tha...
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5 steps to ensure electrical safety in your home office

Living in times of a global pandemic means that the life we’re used to is changing; we n...
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More than just a battery check

They usually stay unnoticed until something bad happens. They’re inconspicuous devices m...
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Are you worried about a full or partial lockdown?

Are you worried about a partial or full lockdown? Most people are planning for these scena...
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Having a clean and well maintained air conditioner ensures that your family is breathing healthy air!

Regular use of your air conditioner means that cool air is circulating throughout your hom...
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You’re In Safe Hands With Fallon Solutions No Touch Trade Services

We’ve received a few questions about what we’re doing at Fallon Solutions to e...
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