
Smoke Alarm- Landlord or Tenant?

You need to make sure that a smoke alarm is installed and properly maintained. Below is some useful information on the responsibilities of landlords and tenants:

Smoke alarm responsibilities for tenants

  • If they are not installed contact the agent or owner.
  • Ensure you test and keep the smoke alarm clean
  • Replace flat batteries
  • Vacuum the smoke alarm to remove dust and cobwebs
  • If it is not working contact your landlord asap. It is the landlord’s responsibility to replace it.
  • Do not move your smoke alarm
  • Do not disable the smoke alarm

Smoke alarm responsibilities for landlords

Smoke alarms are compulsory for all rental properties since 2007. Below are some tips to ensure you comply with legislation:

  • Test and clean the smoke alarms in accordance with the manufactures instructions within 30 days of the start or renewal of the tenancy.
  • Replace flat batteries
  • Replace the smoke alarm before the end of its service life. In Australia, they should have a service life of 10 years.
  • Follow the guidelines set by the Qld Fire and Rescue
  • Do not paint the smoke alarm
  • To not remove a smoke alarm.
  • Replace all non-working smoke alarms as soon as possible.

Fallon Services team of licensed and qualified master electricians can take care of all of your smoke alarm requirements. Contact us today for all of your hardwired standalone or interconnected smoke alarms.