
Switch off before entering the ceiling

Authorities are urging homeowners and tradespeople to turn off all power before they go into the ceiling space. Turn all power off at the main switchboard including hot water systems and stove circuits, tape or label the switches to make sure someone else doesn’t turn them back on.

By ensuring some basic precautions are taken dangerous electrical accidents can be avoided. Use cordless power tools and torches in the ceiling to negate the use of power whilst working.

Other dangers to be cautious of are:

  • Solar PV systems – DC supply cables may be live during daylight hours.
  • Electrical cables and equipment – avoid all contact.
  • Faulty cables – all electrical repairs must be carried out by a licensed electrical contractor.
  • Light fittings – ensure insulation doesn’t cover fittings and equipment, especially downlights which can be a fire hazard.
  • Excessive heat – ceiling cavities can heat up dangerously even during cool days.
  • Confined spaces, vermin, sharp objects and asbestos

Stay safe in your home and avoid electrical accidents, enlist a Fallon Solutions master electrician to undertake any electrical work in your home.