
When to use an electrician

Unsure when to call an electrician? You’re always better to be safe than sorry, call an electrician for all and any electrical work. No electrical work should be done as a DIY; the most you’re allowed to do yourself is change a lightbulb. The outcome of a DIY job can be dangerous and life-threatening.

Australian Electrical Standards

The basic standard to which all electrical installations must adhere is the Australian Standard AS/NZS 3000:2007 (referred to as the Australian / New Zealand Wiring Rules), including amendments.

The requirements of AS/NZS 3000:2007 are enforced for very good reasons and electrical inspectors in each state are the ultimate authority when it comes to adherence to electrical work to the standard.

Registered Electrical Contractors (R.E.C.s) are responsible for testing and certifying their own work, however, they need to apply to the relevant State Regulator or designated distribution companies for connection of new premises.

Queensland Electrical Standards

The Electrical Safety Act 2002 upholds the legislative framework for electrical safety in Queensland. This Act is to prevent people from being killed or injured and property from being destroyed or damaged by electricity. It sets out the guidelines that:

  • imposes obligations on those who may affect the electrical safety of others
  • sets the standards for the industry and public through specific regulations and codes of practice for working around electricity
  • sets safety management systems for electricity entities
  • sets out a system of licensing for electrical workers and contractors sets out penalties for breaches of the Act, including on the spot fines
  • provides consumer protection against electrical work not being properly performed or completed

You are entitled to a Certificate of Conformance (Certificate of Electrical Safety) for any electrical installation work carried out on your property. Each state has a different certificate, but they all serve the same purpose.

Before any work starts, you should always ask your electrician or electrical contractor these two questions:

  1. Will you show me your licence?
  2. Will you provide me with a Certificate of Compliance for the work you carry out?

Don’t put your family and home at risk

The outcome of even seemingly simple ‘DIY’ work can be dangerous not only to your family but also to your property. House fires can easily be caused by electrical problems. The causes aren’t always from amateur work either, sometimes they can be the result of deteriorating insulation of electrical conductors or overloaded circuits.

Licensed electricians and licensed electrical inspectors are the only people authorised to inspect the wiring and only licensed electricians can rectify faulty customer installations.

THE MESSAGE IS SIMPLE: ALL home electrical work should be performed by a Licensed Electrician.

For a comprehensive list of when to use an electrician – Electricians Brisbane