
How to prolong the life of your household appliances

When it comes to appliances, you usually get what you pay for: The more you’re willing to invest, the longer it will last. Having to replace a major appliance can be a huge expense, that’s why it’s important to clean and maintain them regularly to keep them in top condition. We’ve put together some handy tips to make sure your appliances stand the test of time.

  •  Don’t overfill your washing machine

Heavy loads will cause the machine to go off balance, meaning it will have to work harder (this also occurs if the washer isn’t level). Overloading can strain on the motor, and your clothes usually don’t get as clean as you’d want them to be anyway.

  •  Scrape off plates

Getting rid of food scraps before you put the plates in the dishwasher only takes a couple of seconds, but it will make such a difference, as scrapes can clog the pumps in your dishwasher.

  •  Defrost your freezer at least once a year

Empty your freezer and unplug it, so you can remove the frost layer with a plastic or wooden scraper. If you’ve got a frost-free freezer, this won’t be necessary.

  •  Clean your air conditioning filters regularly

A regular filter clean doesn’t just extend the life of your air conditioner, it’s also important for your health, as you don’t want to be breathing dusty or mouldy air that circulates from your air conditioner.

  •  Scrub your oven

Clean the inside of your oven and make sure there is no food debris stuck around on burners.

  •  Clean the lint screen of your dryer

Residue can clog the vent and block the airflow, which means your dryer will have to work overtime. Keeping the dryer lint screen clean will keep it working well.

If you are experiencing issues with one of your appliances, give our Appliance Repair team a call on 1300 712 028