
Don’t Let Your Hot Water System Get This Bad

For most of us, we wouldn’t even think about the hot water system after installation until it’s the middle of winter when you need a hot shower or bath to warm up and find only freezing cold water: disaster! Not only will you be facing a few cold showers, but it’s not the best unplanned expense.

The key to keeping your hot water flowing is routine checks. So, how do you know whether your hot water system is needing a little tender loving care from the plumber?

What are the signs that you need to replace your hot water system?

Typically, hot water systems should be in operation for 8 to 12 years. If your system is starting to show signs of decline, it could be time to start planning for a replacement. In the meantime, there are some clear cut signs that your system is in deteriorating:

#1 Inconsistent hot water

This is usually the most prevalent problem with hot water systems. Whether it is a variation in the temperature of your water, or the hot water stops and starts, or if your water doesn’t heat to the temperature you like, your system has an issue.

Although this is usually a sign that a hot water system needs replacing, there could also be a variety of other problems going on which may require minor repairs instead. If you do not treat this problem early, a simple broken heating element replacement could develop into needing a whole new system.

If you are experiencing inconsistent hot water, call our technicians to assess what is causing it and whether your system can be saved.

#2 Unusual noises

We all start to creak and gripe as we age and your hot water system is no different! Banging, rumbling, hissing or sizzling noises are all indications that you need a plumber. From a buildup of sediment to a faulty valve, getting it looked at early can reduce further damage. Regular serving of your system will avoid letting it get to this stage.

#3 Rust & sludge

Rust and sludge on the outside of your hot water unit usually mean that there is a leak. The fittings may have loosened over time or could need replacing. Tightening the fittings may work but if not, you will need to replace them. Contact a professional plumber sooner rather than later if you see rust and sludge as a small leak can be repaired on a newer system, but if this is left untreated, or you have an older system, it often needs to be replaced.

#4 Discoloured water

Red, brown or rusty coloured water usually means that rust has corroded the inside of the tank. There is a sacrificial anode in your tank that does sometimes need to be replaced and this can be done with regular maintenance checks of your hot water system. If the anode is not replaced when it needs to be, you could have red-brown water coming from the taps due to heavy corrosion inside the tank and you’ll require a new hot water system.

#5 Leaks

If your system is leaking, it is important to have a look for the source of the leak, which is often around the inlet or outlet connections. It is essential to call a hot water technician as soon as you find a leak from the system as not only will you have damage to your floors, carpets and walls to deal with, but mould and mildew will grow and lead to health problems down the line.

Maintain, repair and replace your hot water system

As mentioned before, regular maintenance checks of your hot water system will prolong its lifespan. Minor faults will be found early and will be easily repaired by a technician, but if they are left unseen to, will most certainly lead to a full system replacement.

Planning for a hot water system replacement or upgrade can take away the financial stress of an unforeseen system breakdown. However, a new system may actually save you money in the long run as they are more efficient and will reduce your monthly bills.

If you are unsure why your hot water system isn’t performing at its best or have recognised some of the aforementioned signs and want the professionals to have a look, call Fallon Solutions on 1300 054 488