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Handy Hints Blog

Ways to save on your electricity costs

Lights Replace incandescent light globes with fluorescent bulbs that can save up to 75% o...
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Preparing for a cyclone in Queensland

Over the last few decades since 1970 a range of cyclones have threatened the Queensland Co...
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Energy Safety at Home

Information for flood affected households about electricity, gas, solar and appliancesLice...
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Electrical Safety – how to prepare for a Storm!

With Winter as good as over and Summer just around the corner, now is a good time to start...
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Electrical Safety Fact Sheets

Keep you and your family safe around the home with these handy Energex Fact Sheets. These ...
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Take control of your power bill today

How many times have you braced yourself for a nasty shock when opening the electricity bil...
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How long will an appliance last?

Is your washing machine starting to rattle and dance across the laundry floor? Does the fr...
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How to get the best from your home theatre system

TV sports coverage is seriously cranking up for the winter viewing season. It’s time...
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Trade services – Are you getting value for money?

How do you know you are getting value for money when paying for trade services? One trades...
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