
Under cooling your home this summer may be a health risk

Australian residents risk heat stroke from undercooling their homes this summer. With temperatures set to continue to soar in the coming months, doctors are concerned that the cost of air conditioning will cause people to suffer the heat rather than turn on the air conditioner.

The elderly, disabled and small children are most at risk during high temperatures. Dr Steve Hambleton the Australian Medical Association national president said “The frail and elderly need extra help to cool down. They are vulnerable when the temperature is (above) 37C.”

The rise in temperature, unfortunately, comes at a time of increased electricity prices prompting residents to give priority to their living costs rather than their health.

However, it is possible to run your air conditioner and avoid heatstroke this summer without breaking the bank.

Tips to keep cool and use your air conditioner efficiently –

  • Air conditioners run most efficiently when set between 24 to 27 degrees.
  • Minimise the area that needs to be cooled by closing doors to unused areas.
  • Draw the curtains to keep out direct sunlight and heat.
  • Combine the use of a ceiling or pedestal fan to distribute cool air faster.
  • Regularly clean your air conditioner filter and louvres to ensure the air conditioner can operate efficiently.
  • Turn off the air conditioner and open your home up in the evening (if safe to do so) to allow the hot air to escape from closed rooms.

For more information on Air Conditioning.