Growatt Inverter Error Codes
With solar inverters ranging from 1kW to 630kW, Growatt is one of the biggest suppliers of Solar Inverters in Australia.
Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world and issues can arise for various reasons. Here is a list of common Growatt inverter Error Codes with the potential causes and solutions to fix them.
If you find any of the below errors please call us on 1300 054 488, we can be there today to under take a $99 Solar System Performance & Safety Check!
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Common Growatt Solar Warning Messages (W)
Warnings(W) identify the current status of the Growatt inverter. Warnings do not relate to a fault. When a (W) with a number after it appears in the display, it indicates a Warning Code and is usually cleared through an orderly shutdown/reset or a self corrective action performed by the inverter. See the (W) codes in the following table.
No AC Connection | No utility grid connected or utility grid power failure | 1.Check AC wiring. 2.Contact Growatt. |
AC V Outrange | Utility grid voltage is out of permissible range. | 1.Check grid voltage. 2.If the error message still exists despite the grid voltage being within the tolerable range, contact Growatt |
AC F Outrange | Utility grid frequency out of permissible range. | 1.Check grid frequency. 2.If the error message is displayed despite the grid frequency being within the tolerable range, contact Growatt. |
Over Temperature | Temperature outrange | 1.check the inverter operation state 2.If the error message is displayed still, please contact Growatt. |
PV Isolation Low | Insulation problem | 1.Check if panel enclosure ground properly. 2.Check if inverter ground properly. 3.Check if the DC breaker gets wet. 4.If the error message is displayed despite the above checking passed, contact Growatt. |
Output High DCI | Output current DC offset too high | 1.Restart inverter. 2.If error message still exists, contact Growatt. |
Residual I High | Leakage current too high | 1.Restart inverter. 2.If error message still exists, contact Growatt. |
PV Voltage High | The DC input voltage is exceeding the maximum tolerable value | Disconnect the DC switch immediately. |
Auto Test Failed | Auto test didn’t passed | Restart inverter |
Common Growatt Errors (E)
Errors(E) codes identify a possible equipment failure, fault or incorrect inverter setting or configuration. Any and all attempts to correct or clear a fault must be performed by qualified personnel like Fallon Solutions. Typically, the (E) code can be cleared once the cause or fault is removed. Some of the (E) codes, Error as indicated in the table below, may indicate a fatal error and require you to contact your electrician.
Error: 100 | 2.5 V Reference Voltage Fault | |
Error: 101 | Communication Fault | |
Error: 102 | Consistent fault. Data received by Master and Slave processor are different. The reason can be utility grid voltage or frequency change frequently | 1.Restart inverter. 2.If error message appears frequently or error message still exists after replacement, check utility grid. If you require help, contact Growatt. 3.If error message still exists, contact Growatt. |
Error: 116 | EEPROM Fault | EEPROM Fault |
Error: 117 | Relay Fault | |
Error: 118 | Init Model Fault | |
Error: 119 | GFCI Device Damage | |
Error: 120 | HCT Fault | |
Error: 121 | Communication fault. Master processor can’t receive data from Slave processor. | 1.Restart the inverter 2.If error message still exists, contact Growatt. |
Error: 122 | Bus Voltage Fault | Bus Voltage Fault |
If you are looking for manuals, specifications, firmware updates and datasheets, you can find out more directly from the Growatt Inverter website here:
Fallon Solutions team can take care of all your Growatt solar Inverter repairs and can also offer you a 26 point safety check of your existing system. Simply call us on 1300 054 488 or fill in an online enquiry form here, and one of our friendly team will contact you.