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Handy Hints Blog

Solar power systems – what you can and can’t do

Making adjustments to the solar PV system in your home may seem like a straightforward tas...
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When to use an electrician

Unsure when to call an electrician? You’re always better to be safe than sorry, call an ...
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5 tips to avoid bill shock from your air conditioning

February can be Queensland’s hottest month, and air conditioning becomes a necessity r...
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New Homeowners’ Checklist: What to look for during an inspection

When you think you’ve found the one, it can be easy to overlook the finer details. Howev...
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How a showerhead can improve your skin and your mood

We all know that drinking plenty of water is key for good health including keeping our ski...
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Drains – The hidden sufferer of holiday cheer

We may not be the only ones that are sluggish and slow after all the Christmas and New Yea...
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Easy ways to secure your home

If you are like the vast majority of people you will find yourself away from home for long...
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Keeping your Pets Cool in the Heat

While we rely on the beach, the pool or the air conditioning to keep us cool, our pets r...
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VIDEO: Smoke alarm legislation – what you need to know

Lee Carseldine asks our Fallon Electrical Technician, Joel, about the important updates to...
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