Solar Information


  •  How do solar panels work?
    Solar panels create electricity using solar radiation and silicon cells. Each solar panel is made up of a co…
  •  Solar Power – Advantages and Disadvantages
    Have you considered installing solar power systems? If we could rank the best invention of all-time in the history of mankind, it would be electricity. Literally everything we use nowad…
  •  What size solar system do I need?
    With the increased interest in environmentally friendly options across the globe, from less plastic bags to reusable coffee cups to renewable energy, the interest in solar system arrangements ha…
  •  What’s the best solar panel location?
    If you are looking into having a solar system installed, you likely have so much information r…
  •  Which solar panels are the best?
    Choosing between a top quality product and a dodgy solar panel can be confusing especially if you’re not familiar with the brands on the market or the products your
  •  What is a solar isolator switch?
    A solar isolator switch is a safety device that manually disconnects the direct current (DC) electricity from the solar PV system. The iso…




  •  Do I need to clean my solar panels?
    Have you been wondering why your solar power output has suddenly dropped? The dirt buildup on your solar panels could be to blame.
  •  Can solar panels cause a fire?
    2020 was great for the solar power industry in Australia. The number of solar PV systems installations jumped significantly in every Austra…

Common Issues

  •  Are solar panels a fire risk?
    Solar panels actually present quite a low fire risk. It is very rare for solar panels to cause a fire. It’s m…
  •  Aurora Inverter error codes
    Originally designed by Power One and now fully owned by ABB, the world’s second largest solar inverter…
  •  Bosch Inverter Error Codes
    In 2016, Bosch pulled out of the Australian solar power inverter market due to not being able to…
  •  How to reduce high electricity bills?
    With electricity bills taking a bigger and bigger chunk out of our household budget every year, taking steps now to reduce high electricity bills can save you $$$ and help protect the environmen…
  •  Why do solar inverters fail?
    Solar power systems comprise of solar panels, inverters, batteries and a meter. As long as the solar PV system …
  •  Solar power systems – what you can and can’t do
    Making adjustments to the solar PV system in your home may seem like a straightforward task. Often pulling a plug out here or connecting a lead there may look like a job anyone with a bit of com…
  •  Fronius Inverter error codes
    One of the most popular inverter brands for solar in Australia is the Fronius Inverters range. With a range of inverters from 1.5 to 27kW there’s guaranteed to be suitable inverter for virtually…
  •  Growatt Inverter Error Codes
    With solar inverters ranging from 1kW to 630kW, Growatt is one of the biggest suppliers of Solar Invert…
  •  SMA Inverter Error Codes
    SMA Solar Technology inverters are renowned as possibly one of the best solar inverters available in Au…