
Let Fallon Solutions take care of issues in your home, so you can focus on the things that matter.

Make your stay-at-home environment as comfortable and safe as possible with Fallon Solutions. We have ‘No Touch’ policies in place to keep your family safe.

Let Fallon Solutions take care of issues in your home, so you can focus on the things that matter. – video transcript

In the current climate problems like tripping power, a blocked drain, or no hot water are all issues we could do without.

Thankfully, the Fallon Solutions tradies are on duty and ready to fix those unexpected household emergencies.

Their no-touch visit means they won’t shake your hand, but they will maintain 1.5 metres of separation at all times, sanitize their hands, wear gloves and other protective equipment, and offer contactless payment options.

So let Fallon Solutions take care of all the dramas, so you can get back to the things that matter.